SSC Napoli Mens Third Soccer Jersey 2024
- Product Code: SSCNTJ24M
SSC Napoli Mens Third Soccer Jersey 2024 features graphic inspiration from Japanese culture, such as the katana and the Samurai mask, symbols of strength and agility. On the side the seven virtues of the Bushidō, the ethical code that defines a Samurai’s way of life. This iconic jersey is inspired by the 1960 twinning between Naples and the city of Kagoshima. Located on a bay, with a mild climate and the Sakurajima volcano, Kagoshima earned the nickname “The Naples of Japan.” In mutual recognition, the cities dedicated streets to each other: "Napori dōri - Naples Avenue" in Kagoshima, and "Via Kagoshima" in Naples. The Japanese wave ornament in the background symbolizes the ideal link between the two cities, while Baroque elements of Neapolitan culture complete the symbolic details on the jersey.